Sleeping dogs hk ship.exe
Sleeping dogs hk ship.exe

sleeping dogs hk ship.exe

The application was unable to start correctly (0xc0000102) error may also be due to software conflicts. How do I fix the application was unable to start correctly 0xc0000102?

  • Remove malware with anti-malware software.
  • Unsolicited junk mail, commonly known as spam, should be deleted from your computer soon as you receive it. How do I fix App was unable to start correctly errors? How do I fix the application was unable to start correctly 0xc00005?
  • Setting game properties in NVIDIA control panel for single display.
  • Run HKShip.exe in Win7 and XP compatibility modes.
  • Run HKShip.exe from game folder folder as Administrator.
  • How do I fix HKShip exe error in Sleeping Dogs? It was relatively easy to uninstall the program, reboot the pc and then reinstall.
  • Uninstall and reinstal the office package.
  • Perform the troubleshooting steps on the Repair an Office application article.
  • How To Fix OUTLOOK.exe error: (0xc0000142) The first thing to try is restarting Windows. How to Fix Application Unable to Start Correctly Error (0xc000007b) Uninstall and then reinstall the Microsoft Visual C++ Redistributable. How do I fix error 0xc000007b?įix: Error 0xc00007b “Application was unable to start correctly” A clean boot will help you eliminate the possibilities of a certain program or software that may cause an application to start incorrectly. The application was unable to start correctly (0xc0000142" may appear due to software conflicts. What does the application was unable to start correctly 0xc0000142 mean?
  • Update the display drivers for the game to work fine.
  • Ensure that all the pending Windows update are installed.
  • You may uninstall the game and install the game in Windows 8 compatibility mode to check the status.
  • Try to launch the game in Windows 8 compatibility mode and check the status.
  • How do you fix Sleeping Dogs The application was unable to start correctly?
  • Click on “Run Compatibility Troubleshooter” if the games work save the settings if not continue.
  • Click on Properties and then click Compatibility tab.
  • sleeping dogs hk ship.exe

    Right click on file (giving application error 0xc0000142).Run the application in compatibility mode and always start the application as administrator. Why does it say the application was unable to start correctly?.How do I fix the application was unable to start correctly 0xc0000102?.

    sleeping dogs hk ship.exe

    How do I fix the application was unable to start correctly 0xc00005?.How do I fix HKShip exe error in Sleeping Dogs?.How do I fix unable to start correctly?.

    sleeping dogs hk ship.exe

  • What does the application was unable to start correctly 0xc0000142 mean?.
  • How do you fix Sleeping Dogs The application was unable to start correctly?.

  • Sleeping dogs hk ship.exe